Den-making and marshmallow-toasting at Jollydays glamping site near York

These days, glamping is fairly commonplace but some sites just get it really right and Jollydays, near York is one of them. The tents are nicely spaced out so you feel secluded (but not isolated) and the kids can run around the area without straying too far out of sight. Tree- climbing, den-making and collecting pine cones feels simultaneously wild and safe for all ages.
If you’re feeling sociable there’s a nice community feel to the site as folk gather around the central campfire which burns day and night, help themselves in the tea tent (which never closes) and generally muck in/about.
With minimal electricity, the tents are mainly lit by candles and the odd fairy light which adds to the wonderfully magical feel after dark. When night falls, you are very much aware that you are in the middle of a pitch black forest but all the better for spotting stars or moon-gazing, while you sit around the barbecue and toast marshmallows.
Waking up under canvas, listening to the birds singing overhead is a great way to start the day too. And even though the tents are plush (some with separate kitchens / bathrooms) you’ll still have frosty breath the next day until you stoke up the log burning fire and get a brew going. We spent most of the morning having the best game of hide and seek ever and even spotted some fresh deer prints and loads of wild flowers too. Magic!
Images by Kathryn Sharman